About Cari Vann

Health & Wellness Expert with 25+ years of Experience

Cari Vann, M.A., NCPT

Cari Vann holds two degrees in Exercise Physiology, has many years of experience- both personal and professional. She holds high credentials in Pilates, Aquatic Exercise, and other Movement Modalities.  She has vast experience in the health and wellness and is both an excellent mentor, coach, and teacher. Most of all she is extremely passionate about what she does.

Cari’s love for both movement and water is what led her to pursue her focus and training in Pilates, as well as Aquatic Exercise and Rehabilitation. Her personal experience with pain and injury led her to see how valuable these modalities could be in both recovery and prevention of further injury.  Learning how to use the water and Pilates to heal her own body has led to her work with assisting others in these areas.  She is excellent at finding ways to help her clients who may be dealing with various pain-related issues and/or injuries.  She has worked with many populations of people over the years and has an enhanced skillset.

Cari began to study the Pilates method by participating as a student in the Pilates program at Goucher’s Women’s College. Because of her background in dance she gravitated to the Pilates Method, and it made sense to her. After moving to Durham, NC, Cari continued her studies in Pilates at the Bodyworks Treatment and Prevention Center, where she had a focus on Rehabilitative Pilates, studying under Radonna Patterson.

She became cross-trained and later received certification through the Physical Mind Institute, and pursued a separate study in the classical method of Pilates. Cari is a Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher (NCPT), which means she is recognized as a comprehensively educated Pilate’s teacher who has provided evidence that she meets the established professional standards. She incorporates all she knows into her own Pilate’s teachings. This includes her training in both Hatha and Restorative Yoga, Gryokinesis, and Gyrotonics, as well as fascia release, breathing and tension release techniques. While taking courses at the Body Therapy Institute, Cari took courses by Yamuna Zake, who she later worked with personally, to rebuild her own feet.

Cari’s extensive background and credentials in aquatic exercise include being a Master Trainer for Water Art International Fitness Inc. where she taught and certified other professionals. She has studied aquatic therapy techniques and is certified in Aquatic Rehabilitation. Furthermore, she has written and published articles on aquatic exercise. She has a background in swimming, has participated in the Master’s Swim program, and while at the University of Maryland she taught undergraduate classes in both beginning and intermediate swimming fitness.

During her graduate studies in exercise physiology at the University of Maryland, she focused her research on the effects of strength training in older men and postmenopausal women, exploring its impact on both bone density and architecture.  She presented her findings at the American College of Sports Medicine Convention, where she had involvement through both certification and membership.  Cari has also worked in the Cardiac rehabilitation Program at the Duke Center for Living where she was a lifestyle counselor and helped start the Center’s first Pilates mat program.  Later she was promoted to a Senior Exercise Physiology Position with the Duke Diet and Fitness Center where she focused on Obesity Treatment and expanded Aquatic Exercise programming.

Not only is Cari an excellent Somatic (Movement) educator, but she has taught in numerous settings. She was adjunct faculty at the College of Notre Dame Baltimore, where she taught courses on physical fitness and wellness.  While at the University of Maryland she also taught undergraduate classes in kinesiology, resistance training, and aerobic conditioning techniques.  Cari has a love for teaching others and has taught almost everything in her past -from Step Aerobics to Spinning.  She loves hiking and biking and was born a “natural mover”.  Her first official movement course was at age 4, when her mom enrolled her in a Creative Movement Class.  Cari has held workshops and lectures for various corporations in both Washington D.C. and the Research Triangle.  She has a special interest in Obesity and presented on the topic of “Obesity and Exercise” in Canada at Toronto University.  Cari currently resides in Durham, NC with her husband and twin boys.

About Movement Craft

Cari Vann, the founder of Movement Craft, a Health, Wellness, and Fitness Company created with a solid Mission to Enhance People’s Lives.  With a special focus on preventing injury and managing pain, Movement Craft believes in helping an individual both feel and move better.   We honor and realize that “Every Body” is different and we do not advocate any “generic” or “one way only” approach when it comes to what we do. Engrained in Movement Craft, is my strong and personal belief that “Mindful Movement is Medicine.” I have seen this prevail over and over again, whether it be through client success stories or through my own personal experiences. 

Pain is usually our first “Red Flag” and comes in many forms including low back pain, sciatica, hip pain, knee pain, shoulder and neck pain, foot pain, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, migraines, arthritis, as well as other orthopedic and body challenges. Movement Craft uses the mindful principles taught in Pilates and applies these principles in a Unique Fashion. Knowing how to incorporate ways to assist an individual who has pain, injury, or is focusing on prevention requires craft, experience, and knowledge.

Passion, quality, and integrity are the three most important values included in everything used and developed by Movement Craft. The vision I have for this company is to help empower and educate others by developing, sharing, and spreading the Movement Craft brand.  I am excited about what the future holds and looking forward to helping as many people as possible!

To your great health and wellness,

Cari Vann